Convert an Older Version of the CSV File to a Newer Version

You can convert an older version of the CSV file to a newer version using the ModbusCSVConverter utility. This conversion is required when you must upload the data from an older version of the CSV file to the management station. Instead of copying the data from the older version of the CSV file and manually pasting it to the new format, you can use the ModbusCSVConverter.

This utility is available in the bin folder of the GMSMainProject folder of your machine. You can execute this utility by performing the following step:

  • From the Windows Explorer, double-click the Siemens.Gms.Modbus.ModbusCsvConverter.exe file. In the command prompt that displays, drag the CSV file to be converted. This file is converted to the new format and the converted file is placed at the same location of the source CSV file with the text _converted appended to its name. If the destination file already exists, then the new CSV file will have a number appended to it. For example, [Name of the CSV file]_converted_1. This number will increase by 1 each time the converter finds an existing file with the same name.

Updates Performed to the Existing Data During Conversion

  • If the old format of the CSV file contains a value in the Function column, which is also known as Function Key, then this value is not transferred to the new version of the CSV file during conversion, as the new format does not support the Function Key anymore. However, this results in a loss of data, although you might not notice this automatic omission. To resolve this issue, the converter automatically adds the following content in the Function column of the converted CSV file. Thereafter, you must refer to the Function Key from the older Import Rules and copy the corresponding values of Function, Discipline, Subdiscipline, Type, and Subtype.
  • Converting Text Group Strings – The converter will convert the text group string present in the StateText column by performing the following steps:
    • Convert the text group string from the StateText column into its individual indices and statetexts (using the Min value as the starting index). For example, if you have State1$State2$State3 with the Min value as 0, the converter will break this string into the following three statetexts: State1, State2, and State3 and assumes the index of the first entry is 0.
    • Using the text group name starting with "TxG_Project_Modbus_", the converter will create entries into the Text section. Using the preceding example, the text group name will be “TxG_Project_Modbus_State1_State2_State3” and the entries will be as follows:
      TxG_Project_Modbus_State1_State2_State3,0,State1, TxG_Project_Modbus_State1_State2_State3,1,State2, TxG_Project_Modbus_State1_State2_State3,2,State3
    • Replace the value under StateText column with the text group name, that is TxG_Project_Modbus_State1_State2_State3.
  • The converter adds the delimiter '\' at the beginning of the existing logical and user hierarchy strings. For example, the string "Building1\Floor1\" will be changed to "\Building1\Floor1\".